Return & Refund

Return & Refund

1. Return Conditions: Customers need to check the condition of the goods and can exchange/return them at the time of delivery/receipt in the following cases: Goods are not the correct type or model as ordered or shown on the website at the time of purchase. Not enough quantity, insufficient sets as in the order. External damage such as torn packaging, peeling, breakage, etc. Customers are responsible for presenting relevant documents to prove the defects in order to complete the return/exchange process.

 2. Regulations on Notification Time and Sending Products for Exchange/Return: Notification period for exchange/return: within 48 hours from receipt of the product for cases of missing accessories, gifts, or breakage. Product return shipment time: within 14 days from receiving the product. Product exchange/return location: Customers can bring the goods directly to our office/store or send them via mail.

In case you have feedback/complaint related to product quality, please contact our customer care hotline.


Address: No. 95, Street No. 4, Binh Dien Residential Area, Ward 07, District 8, Ho Chi Minh City
Office: 65 Street No. 1, Duong Hong Residential Area, Nguyen Van Linh, Binh Hung Ward, Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City.
Zalo: Hotline: 0968 03 03 72.
Hotline: (028) 777 35 779

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